VA adaptive housing grants provide funding to veterans with service-connected disabilities to help them lead a more independent and comfortable life. If you are living with a service-connected disability, you could receive thousands of dollars from the Department of Veterans Affairs to help you buy, build or make important modifications to your home to accommodate your special medical needs.

These grants provide free money, which means you do not need to repay the VA after spending it. Depending on the type of grant(s) you qualify for, you could use the grant money up to six times throughout your lifetime as needed.

What to Know About the Special Housing Adaptation (SHA) Veteran Housing Grant

One of these grants for disabled veterans is known as the Special Housing Adaptation Grant, or SHA grant. The grant money can be used for a multitude of purposes, including making necessary modifications to a home so that you may live more comfortably.

The most common home modifications for veterans are listed below:

  • Installing exterior ramps to accommodate wheelchairs or motorized scooters
  • Widening doorways and hallways to allow veterans to move more freely
  • Moving to a single-floor home to remove barriers such as staircases
  • Installing handrails to assist veterans with mobility impairments
  • Creating roll-in showers
  • Adding more electrical outlets for medical devices and equipment

Like the VA SAH grant, veterans must meet the program’s requirements set by the Department of Veterans Affairs to receive the SHA grant. To qualify for this type of veteran housing grant, you or a family member must own or plan to own the home. You cannot make any modifications or adjustments to a rental unit.

Likewise, you must have one of the following qualifying service-connected disabilities verified through the VA:

  • Loss of both hands
  • Loss of use of both hands
  • Certain severe burns
  • Blindness in both eyes
  • Certain respiratory injuries
  • Certain breathing impairments

This VA adaptive housing grant awards up to $23,444 as of 2024. It is important to note the maximum grant amount changes each year.

However, you do not need to use all of the funds for which you qualify. If you only use part of your VA adaptive housing award money, the remaining balance may be used up to six different times throughout your lifetime.

To apply for this type of veteran housing grant, you will need a DS Logon, which is an account created for anyone with a military affiliation. If you do not already have a DS Logon through the Department of Defense (DoD), you can create one on the VA’s website.

The VA has an online application process you can use by visiting the VA’s eBenefits portal. You may also need the following documents to complete the application:

  • Social Security Number (SSN)
  • VA claim number

By Admin

Updated on 03/29/2023